Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Horrible Fashion Mistakes That Men Make

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Horrible Fashion Mistakes That Men Make

Common Fashion Mistakes That Men Make

Both men and women make fashion mistakes. Guys tend to make mistakes because there is something in the male genome that suggests a man can take any clothing combo, put it on, and look like a million bucks. This is true for a world class model or movie superstar, but regular guys should take a closer look at what they wear.

Male chic and trendy fashion styles are extremely forgiving. If certain traditional fashion mistakes are made, it can be attributed to personal experimentation and a carefree attitude. There are several “don’ts” that are established each year as mens fashions evolve. Here are four in which every man should pay attention.

Colored Denim

It is marginally acceptable to wear unusually colored denim to a party or club. For everyday attire, men should rely on “blues and hues.” Blue jeans whether they are light or dark, are the universal color for denim clothing. With this color style and fit tends to matter very little. Solid black and solid white are also extremely attractive if a man has the body composition for each. Long legs are perfect with black, and athletic men prove the versatility of white. Don’t forget that distressed patterns and washes are all the variable in denim any man ever really needs.

Bare Chests

If a man has a spectacular upper body and wants to show his chest as part of a fashion statement, he should show the whole thing and go without a shirt. See, it’s incredibly difficult to pull-off! All mens tops should hint at the shape underneath. Lose the extreme scoop and V-necks. Loosening a few buttons is a much more masculine hint at fashion know-how and an easy-going attitude.

Obnoxious Patterns On Top

Shirts with extremely busy patterns are their own trend, and should be accessorized and worn with care. There is nothing wrong with stripes or bold colors, but stay away from shirts that look as if they were inspired by an LSD trip the designer had in the 60′s.

Avoid Distracting Logos

It is perfectly appropriate to wear undershirts with prominent logos, screen prints and lettering. For outer layers though, wear clothing that is eye-catching because of style, fit and color. Lettering and overly-large logos detract from any fashion look that a man is attempting to convey. This rule applies also to logos that have a more graphic intent. Designs that must be explained to people who see them, are probably not the trendiest and attractive to wear.

The primary reason men make these four fashion mistakes is due to the failure at dressing naturally, and according to their personality. The harder a man tries, the more ridiculous he tends to look. He can try to match what is featured in magazines, or try even harder to look like the man who is dating the woman he wishes he was with. Make sense? For mens fashion, less is definitely more! Simple comfort and homage to tradition, via a bit of imagination, is the key to not making these fashion mistakes.

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