Trendy Dresses & Makeup Ideas From The 80s
For those who do not remember the 80s or were not even born during that decade can proceed to educate themselves by watching Mad Max or Sixteen Candles. A lot of trending fashion these days are really throwbacks from the eighties and you don't even know it. For instance, neon gym socks is really part of an ensemble of womens vintage accessories inspired by the 80s, among other things.
- Neon Everything
That neon rubber purse, aforementioned neon socks, neon wrist candy and so much more women's things that really should not be in a color as ghastly as neon are a throwback from the eighties. While
it is not recommended to go thrift shopping for authentic 80s neon socks, it really is not that kind of vintage. Neon is best worn in moderation. Keep it small, such as in the form or accessories of the chosen color of a jacket or bag lining. No not flaunt neon as it might blind passersby. While the color is sure to attract attention, you do not want to look like a traffic accident warning walking down the street.
- High Waisted Cut Off Jeans
These high waisted and pleated cut offs are better known as mom jeans, popularised by family
sitcoms of the 80s. They were large nondescript sack pants worn by women who have given up on their hips. Several eighties leg wear has come back this decade, not just mom jeans in the form of very short cut offs. The new incarnation of hot pants crossed with mom jeans has a life of its own and is worn in every season, with tights if need be during the colder months.
- Large, Huge and Flappy T-shirts
Huge shirts and sweatshirts were an iconic item of the eighties. This was around the time that physical fitness was becoming sexy and even if not everybody wanted to exercise, they all wanted to
wear exercise outfits. Bring in the tights, leggings, long socks and the huge cotton t-shirts that covered it all. Incidentally, neon became a fashion item because cyclists and joggers used the color as warning for oncoming traffic. Fashion statement or not, you are still advised to use neon colors when you jog, cycle or swim.
- Wearing Tights or Jeggings
Again another updated look from the eighties and you didn't know it. Tights are comfortable yet shapely wear common among dancers. Look up iconic dance movies from the eighties and you will know why everybody wanted to dress like a dancer, or rather a dirty dancer. While wearing your
pajamas as street wear has quickly died as a trend, wearing tights lives long and prospers as both outerwear, underwear and pajamas. It is the ultimate multi wear must have item in any woman's closet. Wear black tights to all your life's activities and nobody with think anything was different. From sleep to work, a session at the gym and down time with the family, versatile tights will carry you throughout the day or even two days.
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